Rich Gambale
Tree Planting
Let’s Plan Your new landscape design!
Tree Planting
by Greenleaf’s Garden Design!
Why plant Green Giant Arborvitae as a screening hedge?
It’s the fastest growing evergreen for our unique environment.
Deer leave it alone.
It can grow in various soil conditions and thrives with good drainage.
It’s vibrant evergreen foliage.
Growing rates are 6-12 inches for the first year. Then 1-4 feet after that.
It sheds snow and survives cold.
Ornamental trees grown in gardens are generally smaller than woodland trees and can provide many benefits to the environment and to people including:
They add height and structure to the garden, while also providing welcome shade.
They bring colorful spring blooms, fall foliage, and sometimes interesting bark.
They make a great screen for privacy.
Ornamentals provide food and habitat for wildlife and, of course, add beauty.
These ornamental trees grown in gardens are generally smaller than woodland trees.
They change with the seasons, bringing you closer to nature.
There are unique trees which can find a good home in nearly every garden environment.